Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten, Bezirksstelle Klagenfurt

Networking and Events

Networking has never been easier! With that in mind, we’ve put together several important organizations and events to help you stay on top of things. Everything you need to know – at a glance.

Netzwerken und Veranstaltungen in Klagenfurt

Carinthian Chamber of Commerce: Event Schedule – There's always something going on!

Here you will find general information on networking events, workshops, seminars and more. Be sure to check the Chamber events of Carinthia on a regular basis!

Junge Wirtschaft Kärnten mit Team Klagenfurt

Junge Wirtschaft: Junior Chamber Klagenfurt

Come and meet the Junior Chamber Klagenfurt, a group of Young Economists in and around Klagenfurt if you will. You may rest assured that we will represent your interests. Above party lines. Furthermore, we are the largest network for young entrepreneurs, offering intriguing regional events. In addition to that, we host regular panels with short inputs and plenty of time for networking. And in case the subject is particularly important to us, we don’t shy away from taking action to get the necessary attention. Want to know who’s behind the Junior Chamber Klagenfurt? Click on the link below to find out more about us and our upcoming events.

Netzwerken bei den digital nomads

Business Incubator: build! Gründerzentrum

Do you have an innovative idea? If so, this is the place to be. As a Start-up Hub we’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse: Stop by and enjoy our very popular “build! Sundowner”. This is a top-class network meeting. Rewarding dialogues and exciting discussions in a cozy atmosphere. Relevant start-up topics, top-class speakers and innovative projects. All this makes the Sundowner a very special event. Check out our website for current dates and locations.

Netzwerk und Veranstaltungen (Kardinalviertel)


“Co-Living im Kardinalviertel” and “Lebensraum Bahnhofstraße” are two projects organised by Viertelagentur. The “Urban Echo” on Kardinalplatz offers musicians the opportunity to perform in public spaces from June to July. More information is available from the Viertelagentur.