The Ernst Fuchs Chapel is an insider tip. It is situated in the South Chapel of the city parish church of St. Egid. The total work of art comprising a sequence of apocalyptic scenes covers an area of 160 m².
In the 20 years it took to create the chapel, Professor Ernst Fuchs decorated it with countless details in fantastic colours. The chapel can be visited on a one-hour guided tour.
Guided tours: April to November; Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 11.30am Duration: around 1 hour Prices: €5 (€4 in groups, €1 for schoolchildren). Children under 6 free. Appointments for groups can be arranged by phone (0463/511308 – St. Egid rectory)
Contact: Fuchskapelle in der Stadthauptpfarrkirche St. Egid Pfarrhofgasse 4 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee +43-463-511308
(c) Pfarre St. Egyd (c) Pfarre St. Egyd

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